Facts: Organ, eye & tissue donation and the LGBTQIA+ community

Can LGBTQIA+ Individuals Donate Organs | Gift of Hope

We are committed to breaking down the misconceptions about organ and tissue donation and empowering everyone to make informed decisions about their health – including registering as organ, eye and tissue donors.
No barriers prevent LGBTQIA+ individuals from donating organs.
Age, race, gender and sexual orientation are not factors in becoming a life-giving donor.
The need for more organ, eye and tissue donors is critical.

  • More than 100,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant.
  • Today, that includes nearly 4,000 people in Illinois and 1,000 in Indiana waiting for lifesaving transplants.
  • On average, 20 people die in the U.S. each day because a donated organ was not available in time.
  • Every 10 minutes a new person is added to the national waiting list.

The HOPE Act is helping save even more lives
Thanks to advances in medicine and the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act, HIV-positive individuals can become donors and save lives.
The HOPE Act was signed into law in 2013 and implemented in 2015. It allows for transplantation between HIV-positive organ donors and HIV-positive recipients, which can save an estimated 1,000 lives every year.
People living with treatable conditions, like Hepatitis C, B and HIV, can all receive transplants.
HIV-positive organ donation increases the availability of organs for transplant – saving lives of both HIV-positive and HIV-negative people.
Share love and hope.
Learn the facts about donation.
Register as an organ, eye and tissue donor, and share your decision with family and friends.