Provide your feedback
For families of organ & tissue donors
If your loved one was an organ & tissue donor
Familiares de los donantes de órganos y tejidos
Si su ser querido fue donante de órganos o tejidos
Your opinion can make a difference.
Will you take a few moments to provide feedback on your experience?
Every family with whom we work has important feedback on their experience with organ & tissue donation and our Gift of Hope team.
What was most helpful to you? What could be handled differently? Your feedback and thoughts can help other families as we work tirelessly to provide every family the best possible care—even if they decline to authorize donation.
You may provide your feedback anonymously, or provide your name and contact information if you would like one of our Donor Family Services Aftercare Specialists to contact you. All survey responses are confidential.
We are here for you. Reach out to us any time by email or phone.