Donor Memorial Quilt Project
Stitched by you
We invite every donor family to create a memorial square in honor of their loved one.
The Gift of Hope Donor Quilt honors the legacies of individuals who have given the gift of hope through donation. Quilt panels travel throughout Illinois and northwest Indiana for display at public events, memorials and meetings to memorialize through words and pictures each life that has given the gift of hope to others through donation.
Add yours
Follow the steps below to create your own.
Step 1: Create your memorial square
Download our memorial square template with instructions and helpful hints to help you create a quilt square to honor your loved one.
Step 2: Provide authorization
Please download, print and complete the memorial square authorization form that allows us to:
1) Display the memorial square you submit as part of our Gift of Hope Donor Quilt and
2) Share your name, and other information you wish to provide.
Step 3: Mail it in
We strongly encourage sending your memorial square via an insured carrier or registered mail.
- Take a picture of your memorial square so you will always remember your design.
- Enclose your memorial square in a zip-lock plastic bag to ensure that it arrives clean and safe.
- Write your name, address and phone number on a separate piece of paper.
- Mail it along with your memorial square and your signed memorial square authorization form to: Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network, Attn: Donor Family Services, Quilt Project, 425 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-2076
What happens next
We will email you to confirm we have received your memorial square.
The length of time it will take for us to incorporate your square into a quilt depends on whether we have received 20 squares from families required to create a quilt. For example, in the past, it took three years before we received enough squares to create one quilt. In the last year, however, we have created two quilts based on the number of families who submitted memorial squares.
We will update you on the status of your square, or please feel free to contact us.
We are here for you.
Our Donor Family Services team is here for you. Reach out to us any time at [email protected] or call (877) 577-3747.