High school education on the decision to donate life

Gift of Hope collaborates with high schools across Illinois and northwest Indiana to educate students about the importance of organ and tissue donation, empowering them to make informed choices and become life-saving donors.

Education on organ and tissue donation

Gift of Hope provides programs for high schools and driver’s education classes to educate students on the importance of donation, dispel myths and answer common questions.

Join us in promoting this life-saving act and empowering young people to make a positive impact.

Request a presentation for your school

What you need to know

When you apply for your driver’s license, you’ll be asked if you want to join the state organ/tissue donor registry.  You can join the registry at age 16, and this documents your intent and wishes to be an organ and tissue donor.

The designation will appear on the front of your license and your name will be added to the confidential state donor registry.

Before you turn 18, if anything happened to you, your family must still provide their consent to Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network before you can become a donor. Be sure to talk with your family about your decision so that they know your wishes.

When you turn 18, your donor registration becomes your legal authorization to become a donor, and your decision cannot be overridden at the time of your death.  The decision to donate by registering as a donor is legally honored in all 50 states. If you change your mind about registering as a donor at any time, you can contact the place where you registered and ask that your name is removed.

Join the registry

Registration Girl With Paper

Educate and register donors at your school

Organize a donor drive and engage your high school community meaningfully. Hosting a drive can inspire students and staff to learn more about donation and register as donors.

Start planning your donor drive

Inspiring Illinois students to become live-saving donors

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) has partnered with Donate Life Illinois to encourage high school students to learn about organ, tissue, and eye donation and how to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor.

Since 2018, the “Say Yes” campaign has raised awareness, inspired donor registration and empowered Illinois student-athletes, their families and communities with the information they need to confidently give the gift of life.

Learn more

Educate and inspire your students to lead change

Join other high schools working with Gift of Hope to educate students about the importance of organ and tissue donation. Inspire them to make informed decisions and foster a culture of empathy, leadership and community responsibility.