National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month. Get ready to join the campaign!

Join the registry

NDLM 2024 Rockford Icehogs mascot with Gift of Hope sign

Join the campaign

During National Donate Life Month we join communities across America to honor the generosity of organ and tissue donors and their families, and to bring attention to the life-giving gift of organ, eye and tissue donation.

Help us reach our goal of inspiring 25,000 people in Illinois and northwest Indiana to “Say Yes!” to donation and register their decision in April.

Download and share campaign materials.

Take part in National Donate Life Month by sharing the information below in your community, or on your website and social media.
Icon Donor Match

Social media content


Monitor, TV, computer with links analytics




Meeting background


Meeting Background

Screens graphic


Sign Poster

Newsletter template


Follow and tag us on social media

Use hashtags #SayYestoDonation #GiftofHope

Tag our account @GiftofHope

Link to


Tag us on Instagram @GiftofHope_.


Join our Facebook group.


Promote Gift of Hope at your workplace.

Lighting A Candle

Honor a loved one who gave

Light a virtual candle in memory of someone who was an organ, eye or tissue donor.

Light a candle

To honor donors and their families

“Light it Up Purple”

Light up windows or a front door, your office building or outdoor spaces with purple light to publicly support and honor donors and their families throughout Illinois and northwest Indiana.

Remember to take a photo and share on social media with the #SayYestoDonation hashtag and tag @GiftofHope

Navy Pier Centennial Wheel National Donate Life Month Gift of Hope Organ and Tissue Donor Network