Volunteer Application
Why volunteer with Gift of Hope?
One of the best ways to find meaning in life is to volunteer. To make a difference in the world, you can have an impact locally by helping people who would benefit from the caring attention of a volunteer.
Gift of Hope is in contact with thousands of people who are struggling to survive until organ or tissue transplant donors become available. Their best hope of survival is through an organ donation, but there are not enough donors. Volunteers are needed to help spread the word about becoming a registered organ or tissue donor.
According to the United States Government Information on Organ Donation and Transplantation, only about 58% of the adult population are registered organ donors. In 2017, over 2,800,000 people died in the United States, according to the CDC. If more of them had been registered donors, perhaps more of the 113,000 people on the donor waiting list could have received a life-saving transplant.
A single volunteer who convinces one person to become a donor may change the life of the baby needing a new heart, the father waiting for a lung transplant or others on the waiting list. The more diverse the pool of donors, the more possibility there is for a life-saving match to occur. That transformative possibility begins by filling out a volunteer application form.
What it means to be a Gift of Hope volunteer
Gift of Hope volunteers are called ambassadors because they serve as the connection between different communities and Gift of Hope. The methods of connection might include sharing uplifting stories about life-saving transplants, dispelling misinformation about becoming donors or providing support to a donor family recovering from their loss. Ambassadors can share this information in different settings including schools, hospitals, civic groups, workplaces or social media.
The goal is always to provide accurate information about the process and then encourage others to offer hope for a better life to the 113,000 people on the waiting list. By registering to become a donor the message can be shared one-on-one, in front of a group, at a booth at a community event or via a social media post.
There is no question that volunteer ambassadors can save lives. Since 1986, Gift of Hope has saved the lives of more than 23,000 organ transplant recipients and improved the lives of thousands of tissue transplant recipients but there is still work to be done.
A volunteer ambassador helps Gift of Hope reach a larger number of potential donors. This one-on-one contact is vital for inspiring others to become donors. Each donor who signs up has the potential to someday save up to eight lives and improve up to 25 lives.
How to become a volunteer
Begin by visiting the Gift of Hope website at giftofhope.org and click on “Get Involved.” Read through the many volunteer ambassador options looking for the one that fits you best. If you are already a schoolteacher, perhaps the best fit would be as an ambassador to schools. If you are part of your town’s government, consider becoming an ambassador to your city.
Once you decide upon the role that is best for you, fill out the online volunteer application form and submit it. Once it is received, you will be invited to attend an informational session that will outline your role. Training and informational materials will be provided.
Make a difference today
Fill out your volunteer application today and get started on providing a better tomorrow for others.